On Sunday 23 November 2003 04:09 pm, Melissa Reese wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> I'm now interested in seeing if I can run my favorite Windows email
> client (The Bat!) in my Mandrake.  I've read various accounts of
> people running TB! very well under Wine, and others saying that
> they've had problems (like not being able to completely import all
> folders, etc.). Considering the latter, I'd also be willing to start
> from scratch with it, creating all the accounts afresh, and creating
> all my folders, filter rules, templates, etc.
> Are there programs other than Wine that I might also look into?
> Is there an online tutorial somewhere that explains how one goes about
> installing/using Wine or other similar programs?
Wine is a windows emulator.  It emulates the windows api and allows windows 
programs to run under Linux.  There are other programs that actually allow 
windows to run under linux.  Win4Lin and VMware are these kinds of programs. 
Win4Lin is the cheaper option of you only need the Win9x (including WinME) at 
$89.  VMware costs about $300 but actually creates a virtual PC and allows 
you to run just about any operating system.  Both are commercial programs and 
you need to own a valid license for Windows too.  With Wine you don't need a 
windows license.

I personally use Win4Lin and I highly recommend it.  Here is a screenshot of 
my Mandrake desktop with Win98SE running in a windows.  

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a dog it's too dark to read" -Groucho Marx

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