On Mon, 2003-11-24 at 07:04, Brandon Erik Bertelsen wrote:
> So far I've used the KDE Control Menu to raise the priority of my
> browser of choice, specifically, Mozilla Firebird. However, I'm still
> noticing a few incidences where other programs direct hyper links to a
> different browser. For example, 
> Evolution, opens Galleon. So I un-installed Galleon ;)..
> Then it started using Mozilla, so I un installed it ( which caused
> problems with my ability to view flash media, so I re-installed it )
> While Mozilla was un-installed Evolution pointed to Konqueror...
> It seems I can't win with this program. 

Please lose the "Reply to" in your email client; when it is set,
replies go only to you and not to the list.

Evolution is a Gnome application: you have to change a Gnome setting to
alter its behavior, even if you're running it under KDE.  Quoting the
very estimable Gunther from the Evolution list:

So here we go again with the most-wanted answer... ;-)

Setting default browser (Evolution 1.4 / Gnome 2.x)

Open the "Gnome Control Center" > Preferred Applications > Web Browser
or simply run:
$ gnome-default-applications-properties

 check 'Custom Web Browser'
 Command: gnome-moz-remote --newwin "%s"

This will present you every link (clicked in a Gnome 2 app) in a new
mozilla window. If you prefer tabs (instead of new windows) like me,
change it similar like that:

 Command: mozilla-remote.sh "%s"

Have the following script in your path (or change the command to have
the whole path) and make the script executable.

mozilla -remote 'openURL('$1', new-tab)' || mozilla $1 &

If you want to use another browser rather than Mozilla, you have to
adjust the command (or the script for most of them, to enable tabs).

Setting default browser using *gconftool*

You will need GConf (and the gconf daemon running) to set this. If you
do *not* have the Gnome Control Center installed, there is a way to set
this using GConf directly:

See, which values are stored in that sub-tree. Save the output to a
file, so you can revert to those settings!

$ gconftool-2 -R /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/unknown
 command = mozilla %s
 need-terminal = false
 enabled = true

Now, this should enter all those values (at least, they work for me):

$ gconftool-2 --set --type=string
/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/unknown/command 'mozilla %s'
$ gconftool-2 --set --type=bool
/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/unknown/need-terminal false
$ gconftool-2 --set --type=bool
/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/unknown/enabled true


Physics Department, University of New Orleans

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