On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> Well I guess I was wrong,  EXCUSSEEE MEE!!!.  Thanks for the info Tom,  looks
> like kde it developed further than I thought. Kmail is clearly the mailer of
> choice now.  I remember  reading somewhere (my Sam's KDE book I think)  that
> that feature didn't work but that was a couple of months ago.  You know 2
> months in linux is like 4 in dog years.
You need to check out which version of KDE they're
discussing...probably discussing version 0.9 or something. :-) KDE is
now up to 1.1.2 or better! :-)
> On to the next thing that doesn't work
> but probably does.  How do I make files > in my KDE bookmarks and
> then save to them like I do in netscape? > 
Hmm...do you mean KFM? There's a "flag" up in the top menu of KFM.
This is your "bookmarks" for KFM. This works here. :-) The way I
invoke KFM is to go to a message (or whatever) and select "save as"
and that brings up the KFM where I can either select a pre-existing
bookmark or move to the directory where I want to save the file (or
create the directory) and then bookmark it.

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