Shameless greaser this chap ;--7

... not that I haven't mentioned the fact that Redhat put me off Linux for months before discovering MDK...

Jason Greenwood wrote:

Hi All,

Dunno if anyone from Mandrake is listening but - THANK YOU.

- Thank you for being there for my first tentative Linux steps somewhere around MDK 8.0
- Thank you for staying true to OSS ideals
- Thank you for being there as I got my head around the CLI (well, sort of, i.e. it doesn't terrify me anymore) and leaving me with a "true" Linux in the process
- Thank you for being there when it looked like you might go out of business
- Thank you for becoming sooooo much better since 8.0
- Thank you for installing perfectly on the last 3 laptops I tried, despite the fact I did not verify if the hardware was supported by Linux first
- Thank you for supporting almost every single peripheral I have ever attached since 9.1 (including scanners, printers, media readers etc.)
- Thank you for taking a menagerie of OSS, choosing the best of breeds and bundling it into an easy to install and configure package
- Thank you for not destroying KDE
- Thank you for helping the wonderful OSS Community get the credit it so richly deserves
- Thank you for making it easier to create Linux converts
- Thank you for listening when I actually still had time to be a "Cooker"
- Thank you for hosting lists like expert and newbie where many friends have been made and experts have been quizzed for their knowlege
- Thank you for becoming so much more than just another fork of RedHat
- Thank you for making ISO's available so I and others can try before we buy (or join the Club)
- Thank you for staying true to Desktop Users
- Thank you for URPMI
- Thank you for the MCC
- Thank you for not being totally perfect so I actually appreciate you
- Thank you for all the other wonderful things I have forgotten and long since taken for granted with Mandrake.

I am an American who has been in New Zealand for over 8 years now and though I don't really celebrate the U.S. Thanksgiving anymore, I thought now was an appropriate time to send this to you.

Please everyone, feel free to add to my short list as you feel appropriate.


Jason Greenwood


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