On Saturday 29 Nov 2003 9:06 am, Iván Velamazán González wrote:
> I've just finished a week ago backing up a lot of interesting 5,25"
> floppies... X-)
> Anne Wilson wrote:
> >You'd be amazed what junk some of us keep <g>  Seriously, though,
> > if you're stuck for a very small HDD, Aron, mail me off-list.  I
> > may have finally thrown all the 100MB ones (think I did that a
> > couple of months ago) but I'm very likely to have one or two
> > 400MB ones.

What are you playing around for?  I finished that job almost a year 
ago! <g>  Which reminds me - what could I do with an external Ditto 
tape drive that takes tapes that only Iomega made, and only for a 
short time?  Someone must be able to think of something???

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