On 12/7/2003 at 12:32 AM Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

>I agree, Lanman.  I have had problems with the decisions that were
>with rpmdrake, but I've put those differences aside in view of the
>distro.  I think Mandrake is the best desktop solution available
>Linux.  What's more, Red Hat seems to be sliding out of the
>picture, wether voluntarily or involuntarily.  This gives Mandrake
>a breather for more business; an unusual lucky break.  It's about
>Mandrake has needed some kind of lucky break for some time now.  I
>the events at Red Hat as a prime opportunity for Mandrake to grab
>customers and new Club members.
>The problem with Red Hat historically is that they have not been
>to go in the direction of very innovative new business solutions
>*embrace* the needs of the desktop users rather than ignore them.
>the Mandrake Club idea by Deno, for instance.  That's why I think
>has been a loss of market share from Red Hat to Mandrake.  MDK
>and developers are responsive and concerned about their users; and
>Where Mandrake will possibly go wrong is if they continue to make
>unilateral elitist decisions concerning their GUI *without*
>or polling Mandrake club members beforehand.  Generally speaking,
>however, Mandrake is the most user inclusive distribution
>today.  There is no distro that keeps up with current trends, user
>needs, or user comments and requests like MDK; they have no peer
in this
>regard.  Take a look at SUSE linux, for instance.  You cannot even
>an ISO download of that distro for free, in order to try it out.
>least I could not, from the SUSE website.
>So before anyone contemplates a move to something else, they
should take
>a hard look at everything else.  From what I see, Mandrake has no
>Linux Mandrake 9.1      Kernel 2.4.21-0.13mdk
>"Filter That, Bitch!" --Lanman, MDK Newbie List

*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********
Almost from the beginning of Mandrake, it has been the premiere
distro of Linux ( On a comparitive
scale ), for newbie's. Mandrake is the one distro whose business
model and mission seems to be
to make it easier to migrate from Windows to Linux. I have a much
easier time convincing clients to
switch to Linux once they see how Mandrake provides tools which
make the process of switching
to Linux virtually intuitive, if not relatively easy.

Something curious to note here ( at least for me ), is that I find
that most of my clients are eager to
learn when you take the time to teach them a few things, and to
explain something in plain English
instead of "Techno-Babble".

This tends to make them more curious about learning about Linux,
and about computing in general,
and I end up with clients who aren't afraid to ask questions or
experiment. Overall, the trust in these
business relationships increases with each question.

If I was to try to explain Suse or RedHat to a client they'd be
climbing the walls in no time. While the
nature of Mandrake and it's wizards may still have some bugs to
work out, it is most likely the simplest
distro to learn, which IMHO gives them a distinct advantage.

I think they've done a lot to promote Linux just from this
perspective. You're not going to see a lot of
new computer users jumping on the Linux bandwagon right from the
start, but frustration regarding M$
products and curiousity about Linux will often drive people away
from "The Dark Side" and into the
loving arms of Linux, and Mandrake is probably the choice that many
will make.

In a way, it is a tribute to Mandrake that some Linux users
eventually move on to other distro's, since
this usually means that they've learned a lot from Mandrake, and
are ready for another challenge.

In the meantime, Mandrake hasn't deemed to give up, so neither
shall I. I firmly believe that once they get
their money problems solved, they'll come back to the users and get
involved in solving their PR problems
as well.


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