A couple of quick questions

1.  I am using Mandrake 6.0 and would like to us VMware ver 1.1 which
requires xfree86 3.3.4 and ver 6 of mandrake only uses 3.3.1  What is
the simplest way of getting this done.

2.  I have a soundblasrter live.  I can get the cd player to work as a
cd player, but am unable to get sound for other applications.  I used
the most recent version of the driver from the devloper site from
creative labs.  One other wierd thing is some times after the speakers
are on for a while the will start a low tone beep that will only go away

by rebooting the entire system.

3.  Has anyone figured away aroung the Vmware problem of not working
with the  AMD K3 400 and windows 95 as a vertuila machine.  Windows 95
requires a patch to allow it to work with the K6 3 series processors,
but VM ware will not load windows with this patach.  I would really hate

to have to upgrade to windows 98.  After all the whole Idea of linux is
to get away from windows.

Any help on the above would be great.


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