On Sun, 14 Dec 2003 16:00:34 +1300
Carren Stuart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There are always more questions! :-)
> What do you people all use/prefer for a firewall to run with Mandrake?
> I am not overly impressed with the inbuilt firewall configuration ...
> so far I have had to disable it completely to get GAIM or my mail to
> work. I installed Shorewall and then Firestarter, but I don't
> particularly like that either, plus it crashes at least once a day for
> some unknown reason.

I'm gonna have to go with Bryan Phinney on this one. Usually do anyway ;-) You
simply cannot beat a *seperate, dedicated firewall*. 

If you have an old box layin' around doing nothing, you can't get any easier or
safer than this:


If said old box doesn't even have a HD or CDROM, then you can run a firewall off
of a floppy. This is the easiest to use (use it myself):


If you don't have the hardware lying around, I would recommend buying an older
machine, like a refurbished Pentium at a local used comp shop and going with
Smoothwall. Boot from the CD, and yer done. As an absolute last resort, you
could spend about the same amount of money on one of those Linksys or D-Link
broadband "firewall" doohickeys.

JoeHill ++ ICQ # 280779813
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