On Monday 15 Dec 2003 5:25 pm, Bryan Phinney wrote:
> On Sunday 14 December 2003 07:18 pm, Guy Rouillier wrote:
> > Bryan, please keep in mind this is a newbie list.  I realized
> > when I composed my initial message that I ran the risk of
> > offending those who might perceive me as attacking their child,
> > and I tried the best I could to keep subjective opinions out of
> > my message and only point out things that might make a newbie's
> > experience less pleasant than it could be.
> I suspect that my reaction is driven by the manner of what you
> pointed out. You didn't post saying, "How can I do this with
> Linux?" but instead by saying "Linux is deficient because I can't
> do this."  There are two very different meanings implied by those
> statements, the first, that perhaps the deficiency lies with either
> you or Linux and that you yourself are open to solutions, the
> second that Linux is at fault because you have failed to do
> something that you wanted to do with it and there is no solution
> because it is not apparent to you.
Bryan, I always respect your views, but I'm not entirely happy with 
parts of your reply.  It seems to me that his line was generally that 
there are still many things that make linux newbie-unfriendly, and I 
have to agree.  

I tried linux several times before discovering Mandrake, and, most 
importantly, the support that I could get here.  I am, though, rather 
geek-minded, and refuse to let any darned box get the better of me.  
That is not so for many people who, quite rightly, prefer to see 
their box as a tool for getting things done.  As several people have 
pointed out, you have to invest a huge amount of time to learning, 
and that's not always possible.

> > I've been tinkering with Linux for about 4 years now, but have
> > been unable to adopt it full time because I haven't been able to
> > assemble tools similar to the ones I've gathered over the years
> > under Win2k and its predecessors.
> Unlike you, I have.  

Good for you.  But there are acknowledged gaps in what is available.  
I would suggest that a graphics app that supports cymk separation, a 
dtp app with properly ordered booklet printing, and an easy-to-use 
front end for small but multitable database usage - not on the scale 
of mysqul - as examples.  Many of us reluctantly find we cannot 
entirely ditch windows - yet.

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