Guy Rouillier wrote:

Ronald J. Hall wrote:

On Monday 15 December 2003 02:43 pm, Guy Rouillier wrote:

GR John, thanks for posting the image - I *never* would have understood
GR that was what you were seeing. I just spent an hour trying to make that
GR happen under 9.2, and no matter what combinations I tried, I couldn't
GR get the OK messages to come up in that blue Mandrake graphics window.
GR Sorry!

But it will - if you just hit <escape> during the bootup process, right?

I switched to LILO graphics for booting. If I hit escape while the LILO graphics menu is up, it simply switches to the LILO text prompt. If I hit escape after the making a selection from the LILO menu and the kernel has started loading, absolutely nothing happens - the kernel just keeps on loading. It definitely doesn't switch to the blue Mandrake window that John showed.

I'm guessing here, but maybe it requires an extra package or two to provide the gui in question ?

that urpme splashscreen thing I did removed something ?
Well it sounded like it did, some number crunching going on,
Whether it did or not it didn't tell me, just returned to shell.

But it did remove the blue gui shutdown script and replaced it with the usual B/W text
But not the blue gui boot-up script , odd ?


John Richard Smith

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