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Monday 15 December 2003 4:03 pm, Guy Rouillier wrote:
> >
> > Open lilo.conf in the editor of your choice and change the append:
> > splash=quiet
> > to
> > splash=verbose.
> >
> > You'll still get the 'fancy background' but you'll see the messages
> > scroll by. Run lilo -v as super user afterwards.
> I'm using the version of lilo that comes with 9.2 ( and it
> doesn't recognize the splash= option in lilo.conf.  The bootsplash
> package is installed.

Is your boot set to use the frame buffer (vga=xxx) or something else? Mine 
works, and since I hate to have the boot process hidden behind a splash image 
I had splash=no set for quite some time. I was experimenting one day with the 
different boot-splash themes. I kept switching until I found one I thought 
the customer that box was for could live with, and when I tested it I enabled 
splash=verbose just for grins. It worked. That's two machines this worked 
for, this one and a delivered system.

I have the same version of lilo as you. AFAIK there were no updates in that 
regard for 9.2 and I haven't re-cooked this box yet. No time. (-:

> > You can also change the splash themes but that's another project for
> > another post. ie.: When someone asks about it. <g>
> >
> > Alternative, splash=no gives a full "console" style boot, black
> > background, boot messages.
> > - --

Correct, it turns the boot-splash off.

sh switch-themes -c will tell you the currently used theme. You can also find 
this in /etc/bootsplash/current which is a link to the one you are using now.

sh switch-themes -l will list available themes.

sh switch-themes Mandrake is the pattern to use for switching. 

Mandrake is the one I have selected now, the blue "denim look" sort of thing 
but there are others.

The themes are in;


The scripts for manipulating them are in;


Knock yourself out. <g> If I were to reboot any more often than I absolutely 
have to I'd probably play with them more.

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User #244963 at http://counter.li.org
Mandrake Linux release 9.2 (FiveStar) for i586 kernel 2.4.22-21.tmb.1mdk
09:56:47 up 1 day, 21:29, 1 user, load average: 0.46, 0.23, 0.13
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