> I haven't had the pleasure (?) of assembling an AMD64 or Opteron system for 
> anyone yet, since they are still in the; "An arm, a leg, and possibly the 
> content of the  dexter sector of the scrotum" price range around here. If 
> they're available at all. Mostly special order stuff.

yes they cost alot... i paid i think 350 for the opteron 1.6 and 250 for
the asus sk8n board... and 375 total for a koolance case.. so yeah its a
lil bit expensive but i think its worth the money ... the control panel
on my MDK 9.2 32 bit takes 2 times longer to load then my 64 bit box..
the boot process it like 4 times faster. there is ono pause at detecting
ide drives .. but ithinkthats the change in kernels also .... i wasnt
saying u were wrong i was just saying what i thought about his post i
didint see what u had wrote yet :) later

jason pearl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer"-Tupac
Kurrupted Visionz Phx, AZ    registered linux user #307811
MDK 9.2 Linux                   http://counter.li.org
AMD64 Opteron 1.6

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