" It seems like only yesterday the news was leaked on Slashdot that the XFree86
project would be awarded the $25,000 IDG/Linus Torvalds Community Award at the
winter LinuxWorld Conference and Expo. Actually, it's been four years now, and
my oh my, how things have changed. David Dawes, developer/release engineer for
the XFree86 project, posted the news on the project website Wednesday: The
XFree86 core developers team has voted to disband itself."



...and from the Washington post:

" This is the year the Internet officially stopped being fun. The festering
problems of spam, spyware, viruses, worms and pop-ups boiled over, making the
online experience merely annoying at best, financially and emotionally
destructive at worst.

Users of Microsoft Windows found themselves in the bull's-eye -- years of
inattention to security issues in Redmond, Wash., left them exposed to the
Blaster worm, the Sobig virus, Messenger Service pop-ups, spyware infestations
and worse, while Mac and Linux users missed out on all the "fun.""




JoeHill ++ ICQ # 280779813
Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: www.orderinchaos.org
"The US is our trading partner, our neighbour, our ally and our friend... and
sometimes we'd like to give them such a smack!"-- Rick Mercer

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