On Wednesday 07 January 2004 13:16, Paul O'Rorke wrote:
> On January 7, 2004 04:44 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
> > On Wednesday 07 January 2004 12:23, Paul wrote:
> > > On 01/07/2004 09:37 AM, Anne Wilson wrote:
> > > >What filesystem are you using?  I understand that the fsck is
> > > > only necessary for ext2 filesystems, as journalling takes
> > > > care of the things that fsck would be looking for.  The
> > > > advice I was given was never to say 'yes' to it if you run a
> > > > journalling fs.  The journal would be restored and everything
> > > > would be OK.
> > >
> > > I am running ext3 on all my partitions. Did so ever since mdk
> > > 9.0 which was on my old PC.
> > > Journalling has helped me out of problems only a few times. The
> > > old machine had the habit of crashing (hardware problem, never
> > > solved) ever so often. Sometimes the 'recovering journal' would
> > > appear and things'd be fine, but more often than not the
> > > question to do an fsck would come up. And skipping that would
> > > have devastating results of mount points disrupted and more of
> > > that sort of fun. So do not rely on what you hear on one side.
> > > I did not skip fsck's. Perhaps on other journalling systems
> > > things are different or better. I don't know that.
> >
> > Since the advice I was given came from people whose expertise I
> > respect, I prefer to listen to them.  I have followed their
> > advice ever since, and it has never caused me any problems.
> >
> > Anne
> I certainly seem to be having more success skipping fsck than by
> trying to go through with it as it always hangs now if I try it. 
> Perhaps I will see negative effects down the road...?

I have been skipping it for.... 6 months? I would guess.  It's not 
given me problems to date

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