On Wednesday 07 January 2004 09:00 pm, E. Hines wrote:
> Yesterday, I started getting hundreds of bounced messages--all spam for
> this site:  www.yuihjk.biz
> I set my SpamAssassin to be sure that these are recognized and sent to the
> Spam folder, but I am worried that my mailbox is going to fill and then
> bounce real messages.
> Looking at the headers, it is obvious that my email has been put in the
> "from" so it will appear to be legitimate.
> Other than hope this blows over (and delete maybe thousands of
> messages--slow to download on dialup), is there anything else I can do?

Also known as a joe job, there is not really much that you can do about it.  
You can track the headers down and try to get the spammers relay accounts or 
proxies closed down, you can try to track his web site and try to get that 
shut down, make as much trouble for him as possible, but the reality is that 
most people are going to ignore the From line anyway, it is trivially forged 
and no spammer uses his real mail account in the From line.

However, were I you, I would try to file a complaint with the FTC under the 
new Can-Spam ACT.  Might be it will push them to move to shut him down, at 
the least, it may provide yet more evidence that can be used against a 
spammer that is already in their sites.
Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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