On Fri, 9 Jan 2004 02:29:46 +0000 (UTC)
Jonesy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > This can mean only one thing: more developers working on Linux desktop
> > sol'ns,
> > more support for open standards in desktop applications, more for all of us
> > who
> > want to see the end of the MS monopoly on the business and home desktop.
> > 
> > Yahoo!
> > 
> > Wait, can I say 'Yahoo!', or is that a violation of someone's IP...?
> Well, I can remember when IBM "committed to an OS/2 desktop."
> sigh...

Oh sure, rain on my parade why dontcha?! ;-)

Ya, but ya gotta remember, with OS/2, they were trying to sell an OS for which
no one was developing killer apps. Linux, on the other hand...

JoeHill ++ ICQ # 280779813
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