On Sat, 10 Jan 2004 14:48:43 +0000
Richard Urwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I assume it will work without POP3?
> Since there's four users on this system I'd prefer a global solution, so I may
> go with Joe's solution, if it doesn't get too complex.

Derek's tip should work whether you are getting your mail from a POP server or
locally (var/spool/mail, or whatever).

As long as KMail is configured to look at each message through the eyes of
Spamassassin, it shouldn't matter where the mail is actually being retrieved

It's just that, in the long run, you have more precise control of your mail with
Procmail in between Postfix and KMail and Spamassassin. For example, you can
call recipes which catch *definitely spam* mail before it even gets to
Spamassassin or KMail, reducing the load they have to bear, and your time
examining your junk mail folder and hitting the delete key so many times.

JoeHill ++ ICQ # 280779813
Registered Linux user #282046
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