On Saturday 10 January 2004 12:31 pm, Johan wrote:
> On Saturday 10 January 2004 19:05, Tom Brinkman wrote:
> > On Saturday 10 January 2004 03:35 am, Johan wrote:
> > > Now thankyou very much to those that made input.
> >
> >       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> >     biso knop33.iso     (alias biso='cdrecord -v -eject
> >                    driveropts=burnfree speed=16 dev=0,0,0
> > -dao')
> Hi Tom,
> Would you be so kind as put provide me with that script of
> yours. Exact copy on e-mail or as an attachment please.
> If you do not want to put it on list kindly direct email
> please. I have a lot of scripts for various jobs
> myself.....once it works it will so everytime.....no need to
> worry about all the options etc. I would like to collect good
> ones from people.
> Nice to see more stuff about cd copy/burning...I see a lot of
> traffic on k3b list.
> Being a windows user for 30 years I am used to GUI.
> Console ..if you know your stuff is powerful of course.
> Thanks
> Johan

    They're not scripts Johan, but added commands (aliases) 
to /etc/bashrc  You can't use mine directly, and they depend 
heavily on directories I've created, eg, /home/tom/wav and 
configs particular to my system, eg my burner is /dev/scd0, and 
0,0,0.   Modifying the aliases should be easy tho, to suit your 
system.  I posted mine as examples.

    I'll email you my bashrc.  I believe you'll understand what 
I've done. If not just ask (on or off list).

      Tom Brinkman                 Corpus Christi, Texas

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