
I had a variety of seemingly unrelated problems when I did the update from
Mandrake 6.0 to 6.1. Most if not all of them were fixed when I removed the
kcmclock package, and reinstalled the kdelibs package. I also did some changes
to my rpmrc file, to let rpm install the Mandrake packages on my old 486-style
system. Maybe you should do the kdelibs fix and see if it has anything to do
with the update tool (unless you already have)?

If you have a 486-style system, rpm (which is used by both Mandrake Update and
Kpackage) will by default refuse to install 586 packages on a 486 machine.
Axilon was gracious enough to give me the hack for the rpmrc file - BTW Thanks
AX! - located on my system at /usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc. Edit the file with your
favorite text editor, and modify the three related lines to match as below:

        arch_compat: i486: i386 i586
        arch_compat:  osfmach3_i486: i386 osfmach3_i586
        buildarch_compat: i486: i386 i586

I cannot remember what information was in these lines prior to the hack, but I
added (I think the i486) stuff to each line.

I also modified my kdelinks for Kpackage and Mandrake Update in my normal user
desktop so I could run them as if I was a superuser. I added "kdesu -c "
(without the quotes) to the front of the command lines in the Execute tab of the
properties box for each link. Now Mandrake Update, RPM, and Kpackage all work as
intended for me.

Before the rpmrc hack, Mandrake Update would download the RPM's, then tell me
that the packages were for a diferent architecture in an error box, and not
install anything. After hacking rpmrc, I was able to remove the kcmclock
package, which permitted me to fix kdelibs by installing the package (Kpackage
reported that kdelibs was not installed) from the CD, and get all available
updates installed with Mandrake Update. Since these changes, I have not found
anything which will not work on my system. I hope there is something in here
which will be of help for you,


On Wed, 27 Oct 1999,Rick Murphy wrote:
  | Since re-installing Mandrake 6.1 I have a problem using the mandrake update
  | program.  It will call up the updates but after I sign in as root it will not
  | download and update the files.  Is there something I didn't install when I
  | re-installed mandrake?
  | Rick
  | -- 
  | "I don't want to swim in a roped off sea," JB

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