
I use the perl script 'chcase' available from
It is very easy to use. I copy the help below:

chcase 1.2
chcase [-erdouqnl] [-s <dir>] [-x '<perl exp>'] '<mask>'

       -e       : Print EXAMPLES - very helpful!
       -r       : Rename recursively
       -d       : Also rename subdirectories
       -o       : Overwrite if file exists
       -u       : Change to upper case (default is lower)
       -q       : Quiet mode (no output)
       -n       : No escape characters (for bold output)
       -l       : Rename & follow symbolic links (default is not to)
       -s <dir> : Specify starting directory

-x '<perl exp>' : Perl expression to operate on filename
                  usually s/// or tr///  (yes you need the quotes)
                  case of filename not changed when this option used
                  you can supply multiple expressions

       '<mask>' : Mask to rename  (quotes are nice to have here)
                  not case sensitive, you can use multiple masks
             -or- just supply the filename(s) on the command line

Pablo Vitoria Garcia
Dpto. Química Inorgánica, Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)
Aptdo. 644
48080 Bilbao (Bizkaia)

Tfno. 94 6015992
Fax. 94 4648500
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Charlie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 5:38 AM
Subject: [newbie] rename multiple folders

| I have a bunch of folders(several hundred) that I copied over from my
| partition that I want to rename. Windows names them using a capital letter
| and I want to rename them all to all lower case.
| Example: rename Documents to documents
| Is there an easy way to do this? I don't want to do all these one at a
| Thanks,
| -- 
| The above rantings are the opinions of the writer only, and are not
| necessarily in agreement with anything that anybody else thinks,
| or would care to. Any resemblance to political correctness is purely
| coincidental, entirely unintentional and probably your imagination.


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