On Wed, 14 Jan 2004 20:32:22 -0500
Bryan Phinney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Wednesday 14 January 2004 07:28 pm, jason pearl wrote:
>> So did you have to pay extra to(im assuming homelinux is dyndns.org)
>get> them to reroute mail? I would rather have my own mail server then
>to use> cox cable.  thanks
>Depends on how much you want to depend on it.  I don't pay extra and
>mail that is bound for my dynamic domain name gets sent to my current
>IP address where my router sends it on to the mail server which is
>configured to accept mail for my dynamic domain name.  If the mail
>bound for my mail server is not for a real local user, the connection
>gets rejected and dropped and I get a notification that someone tried
>to relay mail through my server.
>However, as someone on the expert list pointed out earlier, there is
>some risk involved in running a mail server off of a dynamic IP
>address.  If someone else that is running a mail server inherits your
>IP address before the dynamic DNS service gets the new IP and they
>happen to be running an SMTP server that is configured to accept mail
>for all domains regardless of where it is bound or who the message is
>to, they will intercept your mail.
>I don't worry about that because the only people using my domain are
>family members and all of our mail is PGP encrypted.  Even if you
>intercepted some of the messages, you couldn't decrypt them so they
>would be useless to you.  However, it is something to consider.
>Bryan Phinney
>Software Test Engineer
Where is a good place to look on info on setting this up... i have
choices for forwarding mail or a mail reflector.. i know port 25 is
blocked by my isp. im assuming its just inbound that is blocked. I have
postfix installed but not running.


jason pearl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer"-Tupac
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