Good advice from Bryan... Check with your cable company, however they should
NOT be able to restrict you from setting up any machine that is to act like
a firewall.  It is YOUR household that needs protecting, a "Cable Company
Provided" firewall is not enough.

There are too many people switching to Cable Modem services.  All it takes
is one of them to be a hacker (and believe me, what hacker wouldn't want
increased bandwidth?) and the next thing you know, everyone on their segment
is open for attack.

For the cable company to restrict you from using a firewall in that way, it
would be like the police telling you that you can't put an alarm system on
your house, because "that is what the police are for".

The issue of proxy and ipmasq, that's their "we don't want you to get
something for nothing" and they tell you that you'd need IP addresses for
your other machines.

If you have service by bandwidth levels, in other words, if you could pay
more to get a faster connection, or they charge you a flat fee for internet
access at UP TO a certain speed, then you can do as you please to use your
residential internet access.  You have to live with the limit of ONE ip
address, but you can use the full bandwidth they've charged you for.

Hook all your computers through ipmasq & firewalling, you then have more
secure access and potential to utilize the bandwidth you have already paid


"Singer XJ Wang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 10/25/99 03:13:16 PM

>Do NOT setup Firewall or PROXY, most Cable Provider forbid those servers.
>What you need is a IP Masquerdaging [damnit, I hate spelling]

I am running my web page from my Linux box via a cable modem.  I also use
( ) to facilitate the other computers in my house
my cable modem.  I read over the fine print in my customer service
e-commerce sites.  A non-bandwidth hogging site _SHOULD NOT_ be a problem.
Check with _your_ ISP to be sure.

Good Luck,

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jaguar
Sent: Monday, October 25, 1999 1:32 PM
Subject: [newbie] Re: Home network

I am running Mandrake 6.0, and I can connect the box to the 'Net using my
cable modem.  What I would like to do is make the Linux Box a
for other computer's downstream.  I have Samba installed ( but not used
yet ).
 What other hardware besides NIC's ie: 5 Port Hub, or ??, would be needed to
do this.  Also what kinda of anti-hacking security is available for a setup
like this.

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