On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 09:56:19 -0500
Bryan Phinney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Thursday 15 January 2004 09:01 am, jason pearl wrote:
>> i can send mail to myself.. i sent an email from
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]> i can send it to my cox email but not to
>anyone else.> what do i put for mx records at the no-ip account? i put
>my cox mx> records.
>Do you mean that you can send mail from your Postfix server to your cox
>email account but not to anyone else?  If so, do you get a bounce
>message or is your message refused when you send it or does it just not
>get received?
>If the ISP blocks outgoing port 25, you will send a message to an
>external address and it will just disappear.  You can still send mail
>to local ISP accounts because port 25 traffic is only blocked at the
>router for outgoing traffic, internally, it still works.  The local
>mail server accepts your mail because it recognizes that your IP is
>internal to its network, so it accepts the traffic.  If that seems to
>be what is happening, then your outgoing port 25 is probably blocked.
>If your port 25 is open and you want to check it, simply try to telnet
>to port 25 of your external WAN IP address.  If your postfix server
>responds, then port 25 is not blocked.
>I am pretty sure that you should NOT be using the cox mail server
>address.  Any mail bound to your myvnc.com domain will not be
>recognized by the cox mail server and will be refused.  If they have
>agreed to accept mail for your domain and let you download it from
>them, you should use their mail server.
>The MX record at no-ip.com needs to be the hostname of a mailserver. If
>you were using an external mail hosting service that collects your mail
>and then sends it to your machine, this is where you would put the name
>of that mail server hostname.  Otherwise, I am pretty certain that you
>leave that blank.  You can also set wildcards so that all requests to
>your domain are sent to the IP you have updated.  So, www.no-ip.com,
>mail.no-ip.com, ftp.no-ip.com, etc.  
>Bryan Phinney
>Software Test Engineer
I never bet a bounce back and nobody can telnet to me even with my
router port opened so i guess the outgoing 25 is blocked? so does that
mean incoming is blocked also?


jason pearl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer"-Tupac
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