On Thursday 15 January 2004 06:54 pm, Marc Resnick wrote:
> Here we go again.
> I tried to get acpi to work, as a battery manager. I set it to
> load at startup. I restarted the computer to see if it would
> work. I chose Linux in LILO, and behold, a complete blank
> screen. No command line, no errors, no anything. Just a blank
> screen. So I powered off, and restarted. This time I went into
> failsafe. Went fine until I got some error about not being able
> to locate [something like DSID]. It then stopped, and was not
> active at all. I rebooted again, and tried linux-nonfb. Same as
> failsafe. Note: The acpi at startup was the only change I made
> since my last boot.
> What am I supposed to do now. I assume something with the boot
> record in windows?
> Thanks in advance,
> Marc

   When trying a new kernel parameter it's better to try it on the 
CL. Then if it's a success you can "set it to load on startup".

    To do this (using lilo as an example), at the bootloder screen 
press <Esc>.  Then boot with 'linux acpi=on'. Instead of 'linux' 
use one the kernel versions displayed by <Esc>, to get your 
current kernel if you've updated kernels.

    So what you need to do now is use <Esc>, but type 
'linux acpi=off'   (or acpi=ht).

    I believe it's similar for grub, but I don't know. I don't use 

      Tom Brinkman                 Corpus Christi, Texas

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