Hi everyone;
First let me start out by saying I know I goofed.  I turned off iptables and got hacked.  so now I'm trying to consider the best distro for ME.  The server was nat'd behind a gigafast router onto a private IP so I thought I was safe.  Thats what I get for thinking.
At anyrate, I've been using Engarde for a few years and had never been hacked while using it.  But it doesn't have X capabilities out of the box, because its designed to be an extremely secure server envirorment ONLY.
My goal is for my server to handle mail, dns,web, mailing list, mysql, php(?), and an e-store.  It will only serve 2 domains.  It really is not important that X is on there at all.  It is only important that its smart enough to protect me from me. So that I know my customers data is safe and secure.  I'm willing to invest time to learn the intricasies of a distro but I want to pick one and stick with it.  Otherwise I'll continue to chase my tail and never learn anything.  Both distro's have excellent commuinity support.
Your thoughts are appreciated.
Troy T. Hall
Registered Linux User #342150

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