On Sun, 18 Jan 2004 19:51:18 -0500
Frank Bax <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At 10:05 AM 1/17/04, Aron Smith wrote:
> >On Sat, 17 Jan 2004 09:43:28 -0500
> >Frank Bax <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > Thanks to help from Bryan earlier in the week for fixing
> > > CUPS so I could add a printer.  But on that day, I never
> > > bothered to actually print anything.  When I try to print
> > > a test page, the following entries appear in
> > > /var/log/cups/error_log
> > >
> > > I [17/Jan/2004:09:34:08 -0500] Adding start banner page
> > > "none" to job 14. I [17/Jan/2004:09:34:08 -0500] Adding
> > > end banner page "none" to job 14. I [17/Jan/2004:09:34:08
> > > -0500] Job 14 queued on 'Konica' by'root'. E
> > > [17/Jan/2004:09:34:08 -0500] Unable to convert file 0 to
> > > printable format for job 14! I [17/Jan/2004:09:34:08
> > > -0500] Hint: Do you have ESP Ghostscript installed? I
> > > [17/Jan/2004:09:34:08 -0500] Hint: Try setting the
> > > LogLevel to "debug".
> > >
> > > rpm -qa | grep -i ghost
> > >       ghostscript-7.05-51mdk
> > >       ghostscript-fonts-6.0-1mdk
> > >       ghostscript-module-X-7.05-51mdk
> > >
> > > This appears to be the same (except for versions)
> > > ghostscript packages on a working MDK91 system.   I tried
> > > setting LogLevel to "debug", but it didn't seem to add
> > > anything useful.
> >Time to back up and punt it looks like you  have a job stuck
> >in the print cache (I am assuming that this is a USB printer
> >) get rid of everything in the cache and restart
> No jobs in queue.  "Konica" is a network printer (printing to
> it from MDK91 & WIn98 works fine).  The same error also
> happens with a usb printer.
Im stuck anyone else?
> Frank 

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