
Been playing around with xfce and I quite like it. One thing that I
can't work out is where to find the xml file that you are supposed to
edit to add option to the menu. There are some pretty useful things
missing from it like any office stuff etc...

I read in the help pages that the file is called menu.xml but a search
of my HDD does not some up with any files by that name.

BTW I used Charles RPM's for my installation of XFCE

  John Willby
  Registered Linux user number 321644
  ICQ: 92791912
  YIM: vicarofwibley
  Linux is like a wigwam - No Gates, no Windows, Apache inside.
 18:35:40 up 2 days,  2:14,  1 user,  load average: 0.89, 0.46, 0.18

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