> I´m running Linux Mdk 6.1 on a Pentium 166 MMX with 128 Mb of RAM and a IDE
> HD of 3,2 Gb for linux (another 2Gb IDE disk contains a DOS partition).
> I´ve recompiled Linux kernel several times with other distributions. After
> recompiling it with modules support in my Mandrake system (I´ve tried both
> "make zImage" and "make bzImage"), I get a kernel a bit smaller than the
> one installed by default (480k more or less) which is normal, but when I
> try to update the MBR with lilo (at the prompt or via Klilo), it "usually"
> gives me the following message: "kernel is too big" and I cannot update the
> boot list (which by now contains two options: old linux kernel and dos).
> I said "usually" becuase once lilo could update the boot list, but when i
> choosed the new kernel to boot (at the beginnig of the boot sequence, i.e.
> lilo prompt), the system rebooted again (and again if i had choosed the
> same option).
> Does anybody has had the same problem? Any idea about the reason why lilo
> doesn´t work?

Just to be safe, always use bzImage or bzlilo (or I suppose, bzdisk?). 
There's no enduser difference, and you can be sure that at the end of
the compile, it will actually install.

Without more information about the things you included in the kernels
that you compiled, it's difficult to say what caused the reboot problem.

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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