On Sun, 18 Jan 2004 22:34:40 +1300
anton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sure is. I used mencoder for a while but it seems to ask to much from
> my 
>   chip (long story) which promptly overheats and seizes. Which gets me

That seems to be a hardware problem. Have you tried mprime and the other
diagnostics on your system? mencoder does do a lot of work, but it
shouldn't lock your system up.

I've had success with both approaches. mencoder (or if you want
graphical, there's gmencoder) does produce quality video, although I've
only used it for DivX and mpeg4 stuff. DVD:rip is fairly easy to use,
but is slower, and it's mostly because there are a dozen or more
instances of transcode and other helper things behind the scenes doing
the actual work. With DVD:rip (and gmencoder) it's easier to 'size' the
resultant output so that you get an AVI that fits precisely on one 80
min CDR. Just using mencoder, that's not all that easy to do. And (for
me) I don't yet grok the transcode options -- they seem more daunting
than the mencoder ones -- and without doing a lot of looking, it seems
mencoder/mplayer is more documented than is transcode.

If you experiment with mencoder and come up with a good invocation that
works, you might as well make a shell script or an alias out of it since
figuring out those options the next time can be just as difficult.

Also, I haven't tried doing any VCDs yet. Hell, my older cheapie DVD
player won't play them, and my even older one claimed to but was not
able to play anything that's on CD-ROM (i.e, not store bought stuff), so
VCDs are of little use.

> Anton

David E. Fox                              Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                            change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               on your hard disk.

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