On Sat, 24 Jan 2004 08:11:45 -0500
"Lanman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>[On 1/24/2004 at 1:04 PM Anne Wilson wrote:
>[>On Saturday 24 January 2004 12:53, Lanman wrote:
>[>> Maybe, Anne - But I'd LOVE to find out the hard way!
>[>> had a look at the specs of the Cray T3E-900. Would you
>[>> believe 2048 CPU's ? These systems are rated in
>[>> "Nano-Second" rates, not in MegaHertz which would be too
>[>> slow! Sorry to be ranting, but you got me started, and
>[>> I just have to have one of these! Wanna bet that my
>[>> Electrical bill would go through the roof? The Hydro
>[>> company would have to hook my place up as it's own node
>[>> their grid, so I could run the system and the Air
>[>> Conditioning in the room.
>[>But think what you'd save in heating bills
>[True! True! I could finally brick-in my fireplace! <g>
Till summer <g>

( I woke up this morning and discovered  )
( that everything in my apartment had    )
( been stolen and replaced with an exact )
( replica. I told my roommate, "Isn't    )
( this amazing? Everything in the        )
( apartment has been stolen and replaced )
( with an exact replica." He said, "Do I )
( know you?"                             )
(                                        )
( -- Steven Wright                       )
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