On Fri, 23 Jan 2004 20:21:24 +1300
John Rye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote the words:

some snippage...

> > Well, I might dare to say that after changing my /etc/ppp/options
> > file to what you have in yours it seems that I am staying connected
> > a bit longer, but still not for very long.  Also increased all the
> > wait times in KPPP.
> > 
> > What exactly does this line 'lcp-max-configure 45' do?  Can anyone
> > translate?
> Take look at the pppd daemon manual page (type 'man pppd' in a
> terminal without the quotes) for the full description.

Actually I did read it, I just didn't understand it.  =)

> Cranking the value of ipc-max-configure beyond about 45 is probably a
> bit pointless - it's there to increase the time available for
> authentication with your ISP..

Ah, well that is a lot better of an explanation than the man page had. 
Yea, that isn't going to help me at all.

> > 
> > I tried setting it to 145 and it seemed to time out faster.  I'm
> > going to try different values & see what happens.  Also try the
> > google thingy.
> Ok - looking back I see I mis-read the error message being returned -
> It's 16 not 19 - this means your own modem is hanging up before the
> connection is established.
> As far as I can see there is nothing in the pppd options to control
> this time, but there is in the kppp setup.
> Go to kppp -> Setup -> Device and increase the Modem Timeout value to
> it's maximum (which I think is 120 seconds), see if that helps any.
> If that doesn't improve things your next option is to start fiddling
> with the S-registers of your modem. This is very modem specific and
> will depend on your particular modem AND whether you have the
> documentation for it's command set.

I don't even know what a S-register is, and I got no documentation for
the modem.  I emailed the company for a data sheet, but they are
ignoring me.

> I'm afraid that if you go this path you're pretty much on your own ...
> :-))
> Try this out and see what happens. You might also be able, if you're
> ready adventurous, to increase the modem timeout value in kppprc if
> 120 seconds is still not enough - it's something I haven't tried - if
> I haven't connected within 2 minutes I tend to try again later on the
> assuption that the ISP's portals are overloaded.
> Cheers
> John
I've cranked up every setting in sight.  I think I'm going to have to
accept that this modem doesn't like Linux and either live with it or get
a new modem.

Thanks for the comments.


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