On Sat, 2004-01-24 at 16:13, JoeHill wrote:
> "We'll End Spam in Three Years, Vows Microsoft
> By Lesley Richardson, PA News
> Microsoft chief Bill Gates has vowed to make spam emails obsolete in two years___
> time, sources confirmed tonight."
> Link:
> http://news.scotsman.com/latest.cfm?id=2448742

Sure. All we have to do is 'upgrade' to the MS-SMTP protocol that I'm
sure they are working on. I'm sure that it will be well supported
server-side on Windows Server 2003 (because I doubt that their next
generation server OS will be shipping by then...), and client-side on
Microsoft Outlook/Outlook Express under Windows Longhorn (or whatever
they're calling it then.) If they're feeling generous they might even
support it on Outlook Express on Macintosh just to keep the antitrust
investigators at bay. And to keep those pesky open source programmers
from trying to port it, they'll apply for patents on it like they did
for the XML code in Office 2003.

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