On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> So, a /boot of 10-15 megs, then a swap, then a / partition? Does that sound
> less screwy? How big should they be?
Swap, I would say, depending on what you want to do with the machine,
no more than 128 megs of swap. I'd suggest a "/home" partition just
so if you have to reformat, you don't mess with your user
directories, and then a "/" partition covering most, if not all the
rest of the drive. I've also read that you can partition off "/usr"
as well if you like.
>>How much RAM do you have?
> 128 meg
Should be sufficient for most things other than web serving. :-)
> >How are you starting up the system?
> boot from install cd
> >Are you booting off the CDROM or off the boot floppy?
> I recieved no floppy with my dist. CD.
Let me guess...CheapBytes or something similar? :-) There's an image
you can use in the /images directory on the CD. You would use the
"rawrite" program found in the "/dosutils" directory on the CD to
create a boot disk (from the "boot.img" file) if you wanted to. It
would be useful to have around in the future. There's another file in
the "/images" directory called "rescue." That would be good to have
for a situation like this. Did you create a boot floppy for your
system when given the chance? That might be one way to salvage the
system.... just boot off the floppy.
> >For that matter, do you have any SCSI devices in your
> nope
Hmm...there goes that theory....
> >What other hardware do you have installed in your system???
> not much. laser printer. zip drive. generic video card with 2 megs of ram.
> generic sound card. cheesy speakers. It closely resembles your average
> everyday Wintel out of the box.
Hmm....if it's all pretty standard stuff (no "winmodem" or anything
like that) it should work...
> Well, any pointers you could give me would be much appreciated. I'm still
> not seeing my postings to the group, but you and a couple of other folks
> are. Support at Mandrake has been no help. I have no idea how to proceed.
> Could it just hang because I set up my partitions wrong? Can the kernel be
> at the beginning of my second hard drive, or does it need to be the first?
> Really, though, I don't even get that far. Anyway, thatnks for responding
> and any potential help you can offer.
Well, it could very well be. I've heard that Linux doesn't like to
install on the second hard drive, that it REALLY wants to be on the
first hard drive. What I'd do is use Partition magic (you'll probably
have to buy it retail, since it appears you bought a CheapBytes copy
or similar $5 CDROM <G>) to create a 5-10 meg "/boot" directory at
the head of the primary master drive. After that, things might go
better, but I'm not sure. I've never tried installing Linux on a
secondary hard drive..... I don't recall your first post stating that
you were trying to install Linux on the primary slave. You might want
to mention things like that in the future. :-)
> BTW...mail server was down earlier. That's why mail was bouncing I think.
> They were restarting it or something.
:-) We've had to do that a time or two at the ISP where I work. :-)
It looks like my second reply did NOT bounce, so I'm going to chance
this one to your electronicpotato address. <G> Good luck!

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