DUDE! Try using DM instead of KDM or GDM or AnyOtherDM ! It
just works. You also might wanna consider cutting WAY back
on the coffee !



*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********

On 8/30/2008 at 10:03 PM anton wrote:

>Big hairy things!
>ARGGGHHHHH! My one real wish with 3.2 was to put the KDM
blues (having 
>to use GDM) behind me. Alac, alas, not to be! The piece of
)*(&)*^ still 
>doesn't work (for me)! It will log me into a desktop now
(before, with 
>3.1.3, not even that), but only Ice. No KDE, no Gnome.
What? Why? How? 
>GDM, however, does it just hunky dorey! If Gnome didn't
suck so bad I 
>would, well, use it!
>Any ideas on why KDM has suckiness embedded deep within it
are most
>... I want a VEGETARIAN BURRITO to go ... with EXTRA MSG!!
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