On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Matt Stegman wrote:

> How do you mean, you set up Windows 98 to login to the Linux box?  Are you
> authenticating your Windows login through Linux?   Or do you mean you're
> telnet-ing into the Linux box?

He is setting up "Domain login" ...
> Or is it something else entirely?
> -Matt Stegman
> On Fri, 27 Oct 2000, jeff wrote:
> > Hello all.
> > 
> > I have setup a linux server with Mandrake 6.1. Boy was that easy. Then I
> > connected my windows box and setup all the params to log onto my linux
> > box. It has logged on and everything seems fine except it asked for a
> > password. No matter what password I send it, it says that it is
> > incorrect. I do know that the linux box has only two passwords. Root
> > account and my personal account. Tried both. What password is it asking
> > for and if it's a bug in windows or linux, how do I fix it?
> > 
> > Jeff

Hi Jeff,
  Might i suggest you start with simply getting a basic share up first?
Depending on how you set this up it will use an actual user accounts, a
"virtualy virtual" samba user, or both. My assumption is either they are
not useing the same domain, or auth proceedure..
debugging a single share is generaly faster as you don't have to
logout/login over and over

MandrakeSoft          http://www.mandrakesoft.com/

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