On February 13, 2004 06:51 am, Harold E Vine III wrote:
> I'm downloading 9.2
> I've become astranged from rh/fedora core.
> I'm planning to install this weekend, and I'm wondering if y'all
> could provide a couple links to read that would make the install go
> smoothly.
> I have a 2.3gig emachine, 1st drive is 80gig, second(for linux)is an
> 8 gig, I run xp on drive one, both ide drives.
> 512 meg-o-ram, dvd, cd burner.
> I'm not a newbie to linux, just this distro. I've tried others, but I
> have found the "right one".
> I'm hoping mandrake is for me!
> thank you for you thoughts, in advance.
> harold

Harold; First of all. Welcome to the list and to Mandrake-Linux ! I 
think you're going to find that you'll enjoy your "stay" ! Having a 
look at your hardware, I'd say it'll do OK. Grin! In other words, 
Mandrake should run very nicely on it! 

With regards to the install, I don't think you have much to worry about. 
If the 8 GB drive is in good shape. When you start the install, make 
sure that your BIOS is set to boot from your CD or DVD drive, and 
reboot the system with CD #1 in place -you probably knew that already, 
but I'm covering all the bases here.

When you see the boot option screen, press enter. For the most part, the 
hard work is over at that point. <g>. Since you've had experience with 
Hed Rat, you shouldn't have any problems. In fact, you'll probably find 
this install easier.

Since it seems that you'll be using the system as a workstation, I 
suggest that you set up the 8Gb drive in 3 partitions - "/" (root), 
"swap", and "/home" with "/" getting about 4.5 Gb's. Set up your Swap 
partition so that it is equal in size to the amount of your ram, and 
"/home" can have whatever space is left over.

You didn't mention your video card, so I can't help you there, but even 
if it's on the bleeding edge, mandrake should at least be able to give 
it a default configuration. If your video is onboard, it probably 
shares some of the conventional ram you have installed. I suggest 
setting the video ram to 64MB's if possible, but that's based on you 
having 256MB's of ram at least!

The first panel that you see which allows you to check boxes for the 
types of programs you want to install has some extra functionality as 
well. At the bottom, you'll see a checkbox labelled "Individual Package 
Selection". If you desire additional choices in selecting your 
preferred software, check that box, and click the "Next" button. Once 
in the new panel, you'll see a better list of packages which can be 
opened up to provide a better list of selctions.

For a complete list of all the packages on your 3 CD set, you'll find 4 
icons at the bottom of this panel. The third one will switch you to a 
comprehensive list of every package on the CD's, and youcanswitch back 
and forth by clicking that icon again. The fourth icon allows you to 
save your selection of packages to a floppy disk, and also to load a 
previously saved list of packages from a floppy diskette, should you 
ever need to re-install. That option alone will save you a lot of time 
for future installs, so keep it in mind.

You can find more information here: http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org which 
should also help with the install. Hope that helps. Enjoy and Welcome!


Registered Linux user #190712

"Smart IT people are staring out
the window into the eye of a 
giant penguin!"

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