Keith Powell wrote:

I have just been watching a daily Monday-Friday BBC Television business/consumer program called "Working Lunch".

In it, there was an item about Microsoft's Windows source code being on the Internet. During the item, which concentrated on how this would affect we computer users, the following statements were made:

"You can't just go out on the High Street and buy a different Operating system".

"There are others, but Windows is the best".

After dwelling on Windows and briefly mentioning Mac, their "Consumer Affairs Correspondant" said, "There is a third system called Linux. However it is very complicated and you have to be a computer expert to be able to use it. I certainly couldn't use it"

With a large influential company (the BBC) making such pro-Microsoft and anti-Linux statements such as this, we have quite an opposition to overcome.

It's no good writing to them and complaining, as they won't want to know.

I sign myself "A disgusted viewer".


I don't mind complaining, is there an email address I can write to that puts the indevidual concerned to right ?


John Richard Smith

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