Margot wrote:
robin wrote:

Margot wrote:

I must have done something really stupid, but I don't know what...!

Up until a couple of weeks ago, I used to be able to click on the Logout button, get a choice of 3 options (Login as different user; Turn off computer; Restart computer) select 'Turn off computer', and everything would gradually shut down and eventually the power would switch off.

This doesn't happen any more! When I select 'Turn off computer' I get a black screen with a white mouse pointer arrow in the middle, keyboard and mouse don't work, and nothing shuts down - I have to switch off the power switch button. When I switch on next day, system complains that it has shut down 'uncleanly'.

Only way I've found to get a clean shutdown now is to open a terminal, su to root (doesn't work as user!), and do 'shutdown -h -t 10 now'.

What have I done? How do I fix it?

Seems ridiculous that I have to be root to shut down the computer! Is this some sort of permissions problem?

Only allowing root to be able to shut down the computer goes way back to the early days of Unix, where you didn't want ordinary users to be able to shut down or reboot terminals. Consequently, AFAIK it is still the default on Unix-type systems.

Make sure that auto-login is off in MCC, then enable it in KDE (System -> Login Manager, and click Administrator Mode). That might do the trick. Occasionally some other system change will reset it, which might be the cause of your problem (for example, I had to go back and put in the settings I wanted after updating KDE).

Sir Robin

Thanks for the suggestion Robin. Unfortunately I don't have a 'Login Manager' option on the System section (or anywhere else) on my KDE menu. Can you (or some other kind person) tell me what the package is called, so I can call it up from a terminal?

Don't go through the menu, go to the KDE Control Center (which normally appears on the menu as "Configure your desktop"). Sorry, I should have made that clear.

Sir Robin

"Telling disgruntled employees that they are always free to leave their jobs seems no different in principle from telling political dissidents that they are free to emigrate."
- Stephen Newman

Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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