Lee Wiggers wrote:
On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 18:15:36 -0800
"Lee B." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Lee Wiggers wrote:

Okay, here I am, ticked off enough at a list to dev/null the lot
of'em and I don't know how.

Look in the email header. The unsub link is in there.

The keyword here is "a" list. This list is "home".

Actually it's the oo list.  I can't unsub because the sub add
doesn't exist any more but comcast is doing me a favor by forwarding
the email to me, and have since they bought attbi.

They won't stop and oo won't unsub me.

Who would ever want to unsub "newbie"? Absurd.


You should be able to get the OO list owner to unsub you manually if you mail to this address and explain the problem:


Good luck!

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