Sorry I am so late getting back to you. The wife is sick and it has kept me 
running. I tried to urpmi each dependency individually but it would crap out 
wanting one of the others so no luck. I am going to try and find them on 
sourceforge or freshmeat and  download them and try it that way. I will let 
you know the result.
Thanks for replying to my sob story.

On Sunday 15 February 2004 08:04 pm, Rob Blomquist wrote:
> On Monday 09 February 2004 6:30 pm, Roland Hughes monotonically droned on:
> > I am running Mandrake Community(Download) 9.2. I have kept it up to date
> > using "urpmi" but now have hit a dependency brick wall. The following is
> > what I get when trying to do a update:
> >
> > Some package requested cannot be installed:
> > ImageMagick- (due to unsatisfied libMagick5.5.7[==
> >])
> > k3b-0.11.1-3.5mdk.i586 (due to unsatisfied
> > libMagick5.5.7- (due to unsatisfied
> > libk3b1-0.11.1-3.5mdk.i586 (due to unsatisfied
> >
> > xine-plugins-1-0.rc3a.1plf.i586 (due to unsatisfied
> > (Y/n) y
> >
> > I think this is why "Totem Movie Player" now crashes.
> > I tried urpmi'ing the dependencies individually but it just goes in a
> > circle with the dependencies and I get no where. These same stop me from
> > installing xine or mplayer.
> > Any help would be appreciated.
> When I have this problem, I usually hand install via urpmi the program in
> question. In the case of ImageMagick, I would install
> libMagick- first, then urpmi
> ImageMagick- having both of them in the directory
> where I am running urpmi from.
> With the next one, I run urpmi to see if I get an rpm, if
> not, I go to and query them for the package, then I hand
> install it as above.
> And so on and forthwith with your errors. Yes it is a pain But not nearly
> the pain it is without urpmi.
> Rob

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