On Sat, 2004-02-21 at 17:03, Christophe Rhein wrote:
> Hello,
> I downloaded the tar file of Firefox and I followed Robin's instructions to 
> install it from a terminal...
> I don't know how but the software installed itself in my temp folder... I was 
> not able to use the tar -zxvf command... 
> Is it the right place or shall I move it some where else?

FYI, there's an RPM at the site Derek mentioned in his response to me
earlier ... http://www.eslrahc.com/9.2/

I installed from .rpm the other day (from another site), with no
problem.  I do, however, have an annoyance with it, in that I cannot
seem to make it the default browser when clicking on links in email. 
Otherwise, it's working great.

As to how to fix/move the install you've got, sorry, as you can see by
my other posts here I'm /way/ too new at all this to not give you a bum
steer (or gnu).  :)

Chuck Mattsen ... [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... Mahnomen, MN
Registered Linux User #346519

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