On February 21, 2004 11:29 am, JoeHill wrote:
> On Sat, 21 Feb 2004 16:24:19 +0200
> robin disseminated the following:
> > > Actually, Microsoft now requires that the activation key be affixed to
> > > the computer case as part of their OEM program. It's to emphasize that
> > > the OS license is tied to that particular computer or some such
> > > nonsense...
> >
> > Can you imagine what it would be like if it were applied to clothes? You
> > would only be able to wear your Armani tie with your Armani suit.
> What a horrifying crime against humanity that would be!

Would I be  correct in assuming then, that I can't mix my Walmart Sweat Pants, 
Argyle Socks, Gucci shirt,  Nike runners, and an Armani tie? Does this mean I 
have to buy a new wardrobe? Say it isn't so ! What will become of my Bermuda 
shorts, and my Scottish Tartan jockie's?? ( Where's that phone number for the 
Salvation Army when you need it? )

Well! back to walmart to get a new "Gucci" wardrobe! Sigh!
Registered Linux user #190712

Hey MOM? Can we go to the Microsoft
Museum today? I hear their going to
have a live demonstration of the
Blue Screen of Death! The wax dummy
of Bill Gates is supposed to be finished!

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