> I have a 3dfx Voodoo 3 PCI card with 16mg  When checking the web page for
> supported hardware this card is listed but it is listed for version 6.1 which
> has XFree 3.3.5 is the version if XFree that shipped with 6.0 different than
> this?  ( I can't run X in 640x480 in 16 color mode!)

> Brian Garel

    I've had several people tell me that 6.1 and Xfree86 3.3.5
will support the V3, they're prob'ly right.  Yes, Mdk 6.0 came
with XF 3.3.3  

Here's how I did it tho:

  On your 6.0 CD under /apps/3dfx, there's the .rpm's to install
the 3dfx server.  Just 'rpm -Uvh *.rpm', then from a console,
type 'XF86Setup', pick Voodoo 3-2000 (I've got one, but I chose
-3000, hopin it will o/c it to 166mhz :), choose your monitor spec,
and you're all set, type 'startx'  :)  I run mine at 1024x768x24
and the 2d is better than in W98.

    If you'd like to visit the web page that www.3dfx.com | V3 |
Drivers | Linux, will send you to for instructions, it's:


  One last bit of advice, whether you o/c it or not, put a $2
  '486' fan on the V3's heatsink, you'll be glad you did, 3dfx
  should'a.   Good luck
..      Tom Brinkman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      .

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