wI downloaded the install disk images via Bittorrent. I now have 10.0rc1 installed on my desktop. It looks great and is really fast.

Just a few questions.

1. I thought this installation would include a 2.6.x kernel by default. I didn't see anywhere in the installation process where it asked me to choose a kernel.

2. Is there a special mirror location I need to give rpmdrake for updating this installation? I am trying to use the mirrors that it finds by default but there seem to be errors when attempting to update on each one.

FYI.. uname -a tells me "Linux adventus 2.4.25-0.pre7.3mdk #1 jeu fev 5 16:29:56 CET 2004 i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux



On Feb 22, 2004, at 7:31 AM, Lanman wrote:

On February 21, 2004 06:52 pm, Jerry Barton wrote:
On Sat, 21 Feb 2004 22:19:07 -0500
Greg Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


10.0 will have 2.6.3 in it as default and 2.4.25 for those that still
want to run a 2.4 series.

Just as a side note, does anyone know if iptables will be working for the 2.6 kernel?


Actually, I think they're putting in a new firewall system Jerry, since everyone will be switching to IPV6 pretty soone anyways.

Currently it's codenamed "IPTablesandChairsWithaMatchingSideboard" but I hear
when it goes to production that they're going to call it
"IPDiniingRoomSuite" !

OF Course it'll have IPTables ! What fun would we have configuring firewalls
without it?

Major Grin!

( Man, I gotta make a point of having my first coffee BEFORE replying to
posts! )

Why do you ask if it will be working? It works good for me now. Are you having
problems with it?

Lanman Registered Linux user #190712

Hey MOM? Can we go to the Microsoft
Museum today? I hear their going to
have a live demonstration of the
Blue Screen of Death! The wax dummy
of Bill Gates is supposed to be finished!

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