SÃren Neigaard wrote:

I now tried with a media in the reader during boot, and that worked :)

But.. Can I somehow prevent mandrake from trying to mount my card on
boot, so that I can only do it manually? And how do I mount/unmount it

Heres my fstab:

none /mnt/memory_card supermount
u,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0

Yep this is the supermount version, notice kudzu , this is to make it
probe for a device and the rest is to mount it, I think ?
I'm not 100% sure about all this.
We are having to learn it all as we go along.

Best regards SÃren

Yes, I thought as much.
First, you have to understand card readers are relatively new to Mandrake,
and the software to run them is not polished and finished, but they are getting there,

Really, it wants a system that configures a device at boot time but does not mount it
until you request it to on desktop either with a gui interface like a supermount desktop
icon does for your rom drive, or on the command line in a terminal.But for now that
option is not there.But if this is to be so it has to work as part of the USB hub,
because that is what most card readers connect by.

I should think it might be possible to let modprobe detect and configure a
device at boot time and then run a line like your've already got in fstab
to mount it. This would mean hashing out the current fstab line and manually
doing something to mount the device in a terminal. Never tried it because
I allow mine to be mounted at boot time, but I should think something
like this ought to be possible.
When I want to change the media in the device I put up a terminal and
umount /mnt/reader(reader is what I call it in fstab) remove and reinsert
new media and mount /mnt/reader. Now it doesn't always work, I don't know
why. It should work and does the majority of the time, but not always.
When it doesn't I have to reboot.

All this is just my experience I don't pretent to know it all.


John Richard Smith

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