----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Marc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 29, 2004 10:34
Subject: Re: [newbie] Reduce size of Windows partition

> On Sunday 29 February 2004 10:11 am, Hoyt Bailey wrote:
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "John Richard Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Sunday, February 29, 2004 09:53
> > Subject: Re: [newbie] Reduce size of Windows partition
> >
> > > Anne Wilson wrote:
> > > > Worry not - I know, it's easy for me to talk <g>.  Someone will help
> > > > dig you out, then you'll wonder what all the fuss was about ;-)
> > > >
> > > > Anne
> > > > --
> > > > Registered Linux User No.293302
> > > > Have you visited http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org yet?
> > >
> > > There isn't one of us that didn't want to mess our pants
> > > at one time or other trying to fix computers. The funny
> > > thing is once you have gotton over the initial shock
> > > of being in a whole you don't know how to cline out
> > > of, you start thinking again, and suddenly ideas take
> > > root and before long with a bit of help you are passed
> > > that little hurdle and wonder why you thought you
> > > were never going to manage to solve it.
> > > So I would ask you first if you have another
> > > computer to talk to list about should you get locked
> > > out for a while you are sorting out your problem.
> > >
> > > Then begin again.
> > > I haven't followed this thread so I don't know where
> > > you are but cheer up , remember you can always
> > > slap dear old windblows back again if all else
> > > fails , they must of given you some backup disks
> > > of some sort. I know you don't get MS isnatallation
> > > discs anymore with many OEM computers running
> > > XP. But they usually have some sort of backup
> > > facility, if not then make your own first.
> > >
> > > John
> >
> > No spare computer.  The last time I screwed up and had to reinstall it
> > 4 days.  Mostly fighting those nasty virisus that sneek in while I'm
> > downloading the norton virus definations.  I dont mind reinstalling
> > but the virus definations are tough.  Also linux is trashed (due to me)
> > there is no problem reinstalling it. I just want to do it right for
> >
> > Regards;
> > Hoyt
>    Well I can tell you what I have done in the past and I think that you
> find it easy. Forget about the expert mode!!! just insert CD1 immediately
> after defragmenting and do the standard installation and accept the defalt
> settings after reading through the options, you may gave to select a
> different mouse type or something simple like that. NOTHING will be
> permanently written to the hard drive until you finish disk partitioning
> don't worry yet. When you get to disk partitioning select custom disk
> partitioning it should take you to a screen with a graphical
> of your partitions and you should see 1 large partition that is all blue
> is labeled windows. Just click on it and some options should appear on the
> left of the screen, select resize. then just use the GUI to shrink the
> windows partition as much as you like, about half the original size is
> probably OK. Next you should see a new graphical representation of your
> partition table. Half of it will be blue and labled windows and the other
> half will be a sort of gray color with no label. Click on the gray part
> then near the bottom of the screen click on auto allocate. Mandrake will
> divide the gray part into 3 partitions, root, swap and home next click on
> done tab near the bottom of the screen and proceed with the rest of the
> installation.
>    You can also have a look at the demo at
> http://www.mandrakelinux.com/en/demos/Demo/Mandrake9.0/Install/
> it is for the old 9.0 release but the installation process is still almost
> same. I hope that this helps.
>     Marc
> -- 
Thanks very much that is what I have been looking for and I will check out
the reference.  My problem is I normally dont take chances and let the
installer do the job so I dont know what options are avalabile.


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