On Wednesday 03 March 2004 12:33 pm, Mike Fehse wrote:

> Some times it is after a nasty day of mblaster,
> code_red, and so forth, that some of our users find
> the little green guys in the IDS logs.  

Those would be the kind that you actually do want to be logged since it can be 
evidence of someone trying to gain access to the system by spoofing IP's.

> Other times, 
> just adding a computer, or a new program, to theire
> LAN does the same.  Since we can't always determind
> the problem, just adding to the knowldge base is a
> help.
> Would you mind if I added your experiance to our FAQ?

Not at all.  In fact, my own ability to track down the cause was aided by 
discussions about rp_filters from firewall discussions and some of the things 
that caused spurious martians on those.  I suspect that I could tailor a rule 
on the firewall of the router to drop these, or if I cared to delve a little 
more deeply into how CUPS does its broadcasting, I would be able to eliminate 
them that way.  Another thought that I had was to setup a static route for 
the loopback to try to totally eliminate that traffic from hitting the router 
altogether but since the CUPS broadcast does have to go out to the local 
netrange, I am not sure that would eliminate the problem.

I might look into some of the discussions at IPCOP to see if there are any 
specific steps that I might take to research it further.
Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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