Graham Watkins wrote:

Hi folks,

My CD writer cannot read Data CDs any more. It either causes Konqueror
to freeze or the entire system to lock up (with Num Lock and Caps Lock lights flashin) requiring a hard reboot.

fstab looks like this:

none /mnt/cdrom supermount
dev=/dev/scd0,fs=udf:iso9660,ro,--,user,iocharset=iso8859-15 0 0

supermount, scsi-emulated . I suppose your /etc/lilo.conf, append line entry is OK, probably is if you can read audio.

I'd admit the possibility that it was giving up the ghost (it's quite old) but for 2 things: 1) It works in Windows and 2) It plays and copies music CDs with no difficulty.

If it works for data in windows it cannot be the drive.

Is there anything I can do or should I be looking at buying a new one?

Don't be too quick to condem.

It's a Mitsumi C4802TE if that matters.

I'm running 9.2

What has changed lately ?
Did you change anything like bios settings?
kernel updates?
is the desktop icon well set up ,
can you mount and umount /mnt/cdrom

try, in a terminal with a data disk in drive,
mount /mnt cdrom (it's probably mounted already)
if so umount /mnt/cdrom
mount /mnt/cdrom
ls /mnt/cdrom
and see it it reads data.

If it fails maybe the ide cable is not seated properly?
not likely because you say it reads data in windblows.
I think I would try removing the device form the system after that
and remaking it with the CL in fstab but that can be risky.

I'm assuming it has worked in M9.2 before.
I just wonder whether the Xwindows display programme may be
at fault, because of the konq gui involvement .Do you have
any other hangups in other programmes?
Is it just the writer when it hangs ?

I'm away for a spell,
back in a few days.


John Richard Smith

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