On Mon, 08 Mar 2004 08:22:12 -0600
Chuck Mattsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My apologies if this question eventually shows up twice on the
> list, but my prior post of about 12 hours ago seems to have
> evaporated somewhere en route ...
> I've been using the btdownloadcurses.py method of /slowly/
> downloading the members' community edition, and wanted to download
> a gui client for easier control of the various parameters.
> Okay, so I tried switching from the btdownloadcurses interface to
> an install of the bittorrent-shadows client (version 5.8.3.),
> which gave me a "cannot listen" error upon its finishing checking
> the already-downloaded portion of the file.
> Fine.  On the web, it seems that others had reported similar error
> messages, and the advice was to upgrade to 5.8.7, which I
> downloaded. Upon beginning install, though, I get the following
> message:
>         The following packages have to be removed for others to be
>         upgraded: kdelibs-common-3.1.3-35.1.92mdk.i586 (due to 
>         conflicts with bittorrent-shadowsclient-5.8.7-1mdk.noarch)
>         do you agree ? 
> Call me paranoid, perhaps, but that package its suggesting for
> removal sounds a little important to this near-complete newbie? 
> So, I've not gone any further.  (running 9.2)
> Can anyone either confirm my suspicion or put my fears to rest?
> Secondly, can anyone assure me that working in Linux /does/
> actually get to be less painful with time?  :-)  Seriously, this
> has been the most frustrating month I can remember in many years
> of working with computers, and I'm beginning to think that this
> old dog can't learn these new tricks ... this is a major hassle
> getting anything to work properly.
> -- 
> Chuck Mattsen ... [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... Mahnomen, MN
> Registered Linux User #346519

I closed my eyes and punched "y" and haven't suffered that I can

mdk 9.2 on enterprise kernel

As to "old dogs, etc, you have to get over the frustration.  It's
worth it in the end.

I keep notes on a continuing doc, keep "Linux Desk Reference" handy,
and most important, tune in to "Newbie".

I've been a Newbie since 2000 or so and still feel out of my depth

The alternative is to buy someone elses idea of technology over and
over again.  It works (mostly), but isn't very satisfying. 

Besides, it's always a thrill when you close your eyes, punch "yes"
and nothing explodes.

I haven't seen a bsod in years.


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