dear friends,

which one of these terminals do you like ;)
and all comes with mandrake.
here im using WindowMaker,i choose Aterm and make it shaded and transparent. 
Eterm is great too (but not include in mandrake), you can put background image on it, 
but it eats lots of memory.

terminal is one of my important tool,since i still using Mutt, Pine, Vim, Lynx and 
the problem is, all of those terminal could not support color for Lynx except Kvt.
i dont know how to solve that problem.
i though it must be the environtment setting with Bash, so i put 
export COLORBGFG="default;default" 
to my .bashrc but it doesnt solve the problem.
i would realy appreciated if someone could tell me how to make it.
BTW, Aterm and Eterm wont be transparent in KDE too.
and i dont know why

and sorry for my english

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